Accommodation Law
No proprietor, employee or other person in charge of any place of public accommodation, amusement or recreation shall refuse to permit a blind, physically disabled or deaf or hard of hearing person to enter the place or to make use of the accommodations for the reason that the blind, physically disabled or deaf or hard of hearing person is being led or accompanied by a dog guide.
Also applies to dog guide trainer.
A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
Every totally blind or partially blind person who has a guide dog, or who obtains a guide dog, shall be entitled to full and equal access to all housing accommodations included within subsection.
Any legally blind person in this state whose loss of sight necessitates a guide dog for mobility purposes, which has been obtained from a recognized school of training for such purposes, may not be denied the right to lease an apartment or other types of dwellings as a consequence of having a guide dog.
Any owner, manager, landlord or agent who refuses to lease living space to any legally blind person because of a guide dog, or violates a provision of this section, commits a Class C misdemeanor.
Harassment of/Interference with Service Dogs
A person whointentionally or knowinglyunlawfully injures the guide dog of another and, thereby, permanently deprives the owner of the use of the guide dog’s services commits theft of that animal.
In determining the value of the guide dog, the court shall consider the value of the guide dog as both the cost of the dog as well as the cost of any specialized training the guide dog received.
A person commitsaggravated cruelty to animals when, with aggravated cruelty and with no justifiable purpose, the person intentionally kills or intentionally causes serious physical injury to a companion animal.
Aggravated cruelty to animals is a Class E felony.
In addition to penalty, responsible for damages to animal.
If an unlawful act resulted in the death or permanent disability of a person’s guide dog, then the value of the guide dog shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, both the cost of the guide dog as well as the cost of any specialized training the guide dog received.
A 2012 section was added that makes it an offense to maim or harm, or attempt to do so, or permit an animal owned to harm a service animal (violation is a Class A misdemeanor).
Under the law, it is an offense to knowingly interfere with a service animal in the performance of its duties (Class C misdemeanor).
In addition to any other penalty provided by this section, a person convicted shall be ordered by the court to make full restitution for all damages that arise out of or are related to the offense, including incidental and consequential damages incurred.
If a person’s guide dog is killed or sustains injuries that result in death or permanent disability caused by the unlawful and intentional, or negligent, act of another or the animal of another, then the trier of fact may find the individual causing the death or the owner of the animal causing the death liable for economic damages, which shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, both the cost of the guide dog as well as the cost of any specialized training the guide dog received.
s added that makes it an offense to maim or harm, or attempt to do so, or permit an animal owned to harm a service animal (violation is a Class A misdemeanor).
Under the law, it is an offense to knowingly interfere with a service animal in the performance of its duties (Class C misdemeanor).
In addition to any other penalty provided by this section, a person convicted shall be ordered by the court to make full restitution for all damages that arise out of or are related to the offense, including incidental and consequential damages incurred.
If a person’s guide dog is killed or sustains injuries that result in death or permanent disability caused by the unlawful and intentional, or negligent, act of another or the animal of another, then the trier of fact may find the individual causing the death or the owner of the animal causing the death liable for economic damages, which shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, both the cost of the guide dog as well as the cost of any specialized training the guide dog received.
Driving Law
Whenever any pedestrian guided by a guide dog or dog on a blaze orange leash shall undertake to cross any public street drivers must bring such vehicle to a complete stop and before proceeding shall take all precautions necessary to avoid injuring the pedestrian.
A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor.