Emotional Support Animal

Air Travel Rights

You have the right to travel together with your Service Animal without fees and restrictions.

Your Service Animal with you in the cabin
Can’t be charged pet fees
Breed or other pet restrictions do not apply

Nationwide travel rights established by the Air Carier’s Access Act - DOT

Housing Rights

You have the right to choose where to live with your Service Animal regardless of existing pet policies.

“No pet” policy restrictions do not apply
Can’t be charged pet deposit or rent
Breed or other pet restrictions do not apply

Nationwide housing rights established by the Fair Housing Amendment Act - HUD

Public Access Rights

You have the right to take your Service Animal anywhere public has access.

Your Service Animal with you in hotels, restaurants, stores, and anywhere else public has access
Can’t be charged pet deposit or rent
Breed or other pet restrictions do not apply


Registration Kit​
$ 69
  • 24/7 Verification
  • Digital Animal ID
  • Digital Certificate
  • Digital Handler ID
  • Printed Animal ID
  • Metal Harness Tag
  • ESA Harness


Registration Kit​
$ 129
  • 24/7 Verification
  • Digital Animal ID
  • Digital Certificate
  • Digital Handler ID
  • Printed Animal ID
  • Metal Harness Tag
  • ESA Harness
Most Popular


Registration Kit​
$ 179
  • 24/7 Verification
  • Digital Animal ID
  • Digital Certificate
  • Digital Handler ID
  • 2 Printed Animal ID's
  • Metal Harness Tag
  • ESA Harness
Common Emotional Support Animal Questions Answered Below

Frequently Asked Questions

An emotional support dog is a dog that provides comfort and support in forms of affection and companionship for an individual suffering from various mental and emotional conditions. An emotional support dog is not required to perform any specific tasks for disability like service dogs are. There are meant solely for emotional stability and unconditional love.

  • Comforting the handler with their presence
  • Providing a sense of focus and purpose in its handler
  • Improving the handler’s self-esteem
  • Reducing stress
  • Flies with handler in cabin for free
  • Lives with handler in housing for free

Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder/mood disorder, panic attacks, fear/phobias and other psychological and emotional conditions.

  • There is no specific training that your dog needs to go through in order to be considered an emotional support dog. Keep in mind that your dog needs to be trained to behave properly in public settings.

Yes, please notify your airline at least 48 hours prior to boarding so they can accommodate and arrange seats for you and your emotional support dog.

Once your dog is considered an emotional support dog he or she can stay with you at your residence even if they do not allow pets.

Valid in all 50 States

Federal laws have you covered

Lifetime Registration

Does not expire & no recurring fees

Free Shipping

On all orders above $50

100% Secure Checkout

All major credit cards accepted

Copyright © 2021 ADA Service Animal Registry. All rights reserved.

ADA Service Animal Registry uses industry standard 256-bit encryption to secure the data you send to us including personal information accompanying your registration as well as payment information. We do not store credit numbers anywhere on our servers, they are used once only at the time the transaction occurs. We collect your e-mail address only to send you order confirmation emails, registration information, and occasional news and updates about our service. We do not sell or give any of your information, including your e-mail address, to any third party organizations. ADA Service Animal Registry is an organization providing service dog and emotional support animal registration services and products independent of any government organization. Read about fake service dog registrations and the problems they create. Registration not required by the ADA.